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  • angelweddingdressblog 8:33 am on October 8, 2013 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , general fashion ideas, , ,   

    being fashion is more than arguements on saying just yes or no 

    being fashion is often about arguements on just saying yes or no but not always limits here,it worth a long discussions.

    in large schoolars books and social populations, often it being said the attitude towarding on sth or doing sth is the most important to consider,it deal with answering yes or not,the initial question of everything,however,the coming things were all left to be done here afterwards.

    ya,being fashion is just like this,when you are’t sure or determined to be fashion or just too busy to think about any piece of note of this,then,you might finally wont be fashion though you have the natural characteristics of being so like originally it should be.

    A line Lace Chapel Train Keyhole V Neck Timeless Wedding Dress



    (  http://www.angelweddingdress.com/  ,short for AWD fashion or Angelweddingdress  provides the above looking Wedding dress)


    what puzzled me is a thing happening around on my relatives – my 2 cousins,they are girls aged at about 23-25,one with strong hobby in hunting for newly coming things,while the other only with her heart some bounch of work think over and over everyday.this story completely does nothing to do with subjects like “hard work earns a good living”or sth,despite all facts,what i am going to you is actually that the former finally learnt to wide-range her interests from fashion to many other domain things,thus everything in life turned like intrendy as fashionables  enlarging her life qualities,the latter remains just striving to same old lifestyles,limiting herself in some outdated fashion tastey .

    this shows how important the fashion observation ability reflects into our life tasty,however,this yet was not the main part.the stunning conclusion behind the scene is that we need embrace everything new and intrendy,and that is : we agree with people,we like public likes …,so we share our intersts on the behalf of them.

    Chiffon Alencon Lace Ball Gown Sweetheart Tea Length Beading Wedding Dress Style WD61233



    ( above choosen illustration also was taken from AngelWeddingDress )

    straightly ahead to keep an highly-paced attitude and train a good habit on sth is suitable for everything happened in our daily life,when you lost self-confidence on sth,maybe too much other things were lost.

    so just be happy to learn to run after fashion to release too much nasty thoughts.and timely remind yourself to refresh your fashion life ideas regularly so as not to be outdated.

    for more associated with this top,please google or directly follow the below links:



  • angelweddingdressblog 8:50 am on September 22, 2013 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: general fashion ideas   

    Never go against fashion on purpose 

    Never go against fashion on purpose

    People of all sources brought out the word fashion based on their domain knowledges,users develop it and broadcast it,anyway,fashion itself is a cultural word,it cant give all the necessary and accurate answers to all lvl people,but any way,the word was brought out to outline things that in fashion and that aren’t in fashion or outdated – probably it might be the biggest district difference issues inspired by the word “fashion”.the underlays,however,is all kinds of various understanding and expressions way of fashion,that be said“everybody have a fashion in their eye”,and that, however is the true main issues causing the biggest matter behind the scene thus required one more attentions to pay to.

    Alencon Lace Organza Fit-N-Flare Sweetheart Floor Length Wedding Dress Style WD64336

    (taken from angelweddingdress for its dir wedding dress)

    Its strange that one can get puzzled on a fashion dress or sth at their 1st sight on it,they may doubt abouts its useage,designs,usageablities,durability,sometime this just happen so ofen that usually one could strongly reject a fashion new products till after a long time later before she or he would finally accept it.and the fact is that,in most suitations,people would finally accept a fashion after a long run-in time and would truly admit the fashion from the bottom of their hearts.

    Yeah,,from being fashion and unfashion towarding sth,that could be a magic or abnormals like sth for people.

    Sheath Strapless Floor Length Attached Taffeta/ Lace Beading Wedding Dress Style WD60841

    (another style listed at 2013 wedding dress http://www.angelweddingdress.com/wedding-dresses-2013-c810 subdir from angelweddingdress)

    Such as for people who get little experience wearing a dress which is un-organically made from her view,for example she will probably dislike the long ribbon,even sometimes get angry about the design , But another aspect,as soon as she realized that the ribbons are made on a organic and natural manner,which originally designed to fit various bodyshape with various features,then the ribbon design should be adopted finally by her,and she will treat other dress design with ribbons more comfortablely ,thus trust the dress are fashion for the whole industry not only for her.

    This teach us that as long as a fashion products exists the best thing is try to fit you in the trend with a proper position,avoid the (that could be error –phone to you,but anyway will work for us)un-necessaries,and popele will get their fashion style with their own taste.

    And this is the perfect state of fashion industry ever needed.

    for more info on this,please forwards to below links:



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